Reviews have not been posted yet in this game. Why do not you write at the very beginning?
Deletion guidelines: "Includes other than game impressions and reviews" "Aggressive content to creators," "sentences that are not gentlemanly" About spoiler: If you include spoiler for review, please include "spoiler attention" in the beginning of the sentence. Template: (What was fun) (What I especially like) (What was difficult) (What I recommend)
表層意識の底で膨れ上がった妄想の群れが復讐を果たす時、 あなたもきっと真っ黒い笑いがこみ上げてくる。
謎解きホラーADV(iOS版 / Android版 が無料配信中)
第10回ウディコン優勝作品 探索型微ホラーADV