フリーゲームTOP > I Love You! > ReadMe(説明書・クレジット表記など)

I Love You!

The popular role-reversal game, now in English!
I Love You! ゲーム画面1

"I Love You!" Ver1.00

Thank you for playing "I Love You!"

■ Game overview
Follow the antics of a strong-headed female protagonist through her school days in I Love You!, a visual novel otome game where you could meet and date some good boys depending on the choices you make!

Take the lead in the relationship and live an unforgettable school festival with your friends, or even your future boyfriend. What fun moments will ensue? Who will you choose in the end?

■ Strategy guide (in Japanese)
Link: https://salt08.fanbox.cc/posts/1012534

■ How to start
Double-click "ILU.exe" (Windows) or ILU.app (Mac).

■ How to uninstall
Please delete the entire folder, and that will be goodbye….

■ Keyboard controls
・ Space key: Hide / show message window
・ Enter key: Next (= left click)
・ Ctrl key / Command key: Skip

■ Mouse controls
・ Left click: Next / Enter
・ Right click: Hide / show message window
・ Wheel up: Backlog
・ Wheel down: Next

■ Function
・ SAVE: Open the save screen
・ LOAD: Open the loading screen
・ SKIP: Start message skipping (settings can be changed on the config screen)
・ AUTO: Start automatic message sending (speed can be changed on the config screen)
・ LOG: Backlog display
・ SCREEN: Full screen display of the game screen
・ MENU: Open the menu screen
・ CONFIG: Open the config screen
・ CLOSE: Hide message window
・ TITLE: Return to title screen

(For message skip, "Unread skip" is OFF by default.
By turning this on, you can skip all sentences regardless of whether they are read or unread. )

■ Credits

○ Images
・ KNT graphicks http://kntgraphics.web.fc2.com/
・ Kimagure After https://k-after.at.webry.info/
・ Vanishing point http://www.aj.undo.jp/
・ Free material dot com https://free-materials.com/

○ BGM / sound effects
・ DOVA-SYNDROME https://dova-s.jp/
・ On-Jin ~ Ototo ~ https://on-jin.com/
・ OtoLogic https://otologic.jp/
・ VSQ https://vsq.co.jp/
・ Kurage Kosho http://www.kurage-kosho.info/
・ Sound effect lab https://soundeffect-lab.info/
・ Sound effect dictionary https://sounddictionary.info/
・ Let's play with free sound effects! Https://taira-komori.jpn.org/

〇Production tools
・ TyrannoBuilder
・ TyrannoScript https://tyrano.jp/

〇Plug-in used
・ Kopa Curve https://kopacurve.blog.fc2.com/

■ Creator
Shinogi Shiohara
twitter: https://twitter.com/saltkonb0080

■ Localization
Moonchime Studios (under Moonchime Localization brand)
site: https://moonchimeloc.com

If you have any problems, typographical errors, omissions, etc., please contact the creator.

■ Notes
・ This game is freeware, but it's still covered by copyright laws.

・ Unauthorized reproduction or commercial use of this game is prohibited.

・ Regarding uploading let's play videos and publishing derivative works:
You don't need to get permission from the creator.
Feel free to enjoy within the bounds of common sense.

■ Minimum requirements.
Windows10, Windows7, macOS 10.15.3.
(Not compatible with 32bit PCs)



後で便利♪ x


Moonchime Loc(11357)





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